Don’t know how to get started with the CSRD Directive?
You’ve probably read a lot about the CSRD, but if you’re here, it’s because you’re still not sure how to take the first step. The good news: we have your solution.
Join us at our upcoming Dcycle CSRD Webinar. Spoiler: this is not just another webinar. We know you’ve had enough theory; now it’s time to take action.
Here are the Jedi tricks you’ll learn:
How to reuse your data: make the most of your EINF, risk analysis, and previous reports so you don’t have to start from scratch.
Double Materiality: how to use this analysis to identify IROs and structure information effectively.
Value chain and Scope 3: how to manage supplier data without losing your mind or wasting time.
Data management and collection: from invoices to key indicators, how not to drown in a sea of data.
If you don’t know where to begin, this webinar will give you clear and practical answers.