How not to mess up in the first steps of the CSRD.

Double materiality, IROs and GAP analysis: a practical example.

Jacobo Umbert
CRO and Co-Founder
Luis Escámez
CPO y Co-founder

Don’t know how to get started with the CSRD Directive?

You’ve probably read a lot about the CSRD, but if you’re here, it’s because you’re still not sure how to take the first step. The good news: we have your solution.

Join us at our upcoming Dcycle CSRD Webinar. Spoiler: this is not just another webinar. We know you’ve had enough theory; now it’s time to take action.
Here are the Jedi  tricks you’ll learn:
How to reuse your data: make the most of your EINF, risk analysis, and previous reports so you don’t have to start from scratch.
Double Materiality: how to use this analysis to identify IROs and structure information effectively.
Value chain and Scope 3: how to manage supplier data without losing your mind or wasting time.
Data management and collection: from invoices to key indicators, how not to drown in a sea of data.
If you don’t know where to begin, this webinar will give you clear and practical answers.

Master the first steps and save time, resources and hassle.

Don't get left behind. Sign up now